Nagie Ciala

Nagie ciala
Bliskosc, ze nie mozna blizej.
Otulasz mnie
Stajemy sie --
Stajemy sie
Jak stac sie mozna
Jedynie w jednosci
Na chwile oderwani od swiata
Nowe priorytety
Na te chwile --
Jestesmy tylko dla siebie.
Nic nie jest wazne.
Swiat nas obejmuje,
Ty mnie obejmujesz,
Ty jestes moim swiatem.
Cicha noc.
Nocny seks.


I was never sophisticated enough
for poetry.
Making sophomoric jokes about
casual things.
My well has drained out all
but too quickly.
The inspiration playing tricks
with me.
There's so much more to write!

Nieznośny ciężar życia

Na wszystko patrzymy teraz inaczej, ciężar życia powiększył się wielokrotnie. Teraz już nie rozpatrujemy życia w ramach dobrego czasu i nie rozliczamy czasu poprzez przyjemności. Każda chwila liczy się do całości: czasu, rezultatu.... Każda decyzja ma inna wagę, cięższą, bo w życiu okolotrzydziestkowym nie istnieje waga piórkowa. Każda decyzja ma konsekwencje, każda konsekwencja odbija się na życiu ze zwielokrotnioną siłą. Nie ma lekkości, beztroski i życia z dnia na dzień. Nawet nieprzespana noc widoczna jest w cieniach pod oczami i matowej skórze dnia następnego. Dorosłość.

Only in America: Packing you own groceries

The other day I consciously noticed an extremely pleasant yet surprising appreciation of the person at the cash register at Whole Foods (and to be fair, it doesn't only happen there; it was only where my enlightenment came to life)... I have been definitely recognizing it before, but it finally hit me strong enough that I had an 'OMG' and 'it seriously just happened again' moment. Imagine this: the person at the register THANKED ME for bagging MY OWN groceries. Ha!, I thought, only in America that is even close to possible!


Sleepy town of Tiburon.
Mediterranean feel and setting.
Walking around the boardwalk, right along the Bay, overseeing the Ocean. The views are quite spectacular in themselves: the City and the Bridge. My favorite!

Unchain the Nation!

So what is that about that country that makes it so interesting and fascinating, that attracts people from all over the world, that makes people write, make movies about, and yet, there is no end to that, and there is no one answer.

Give Thanks for Thanksgiving Day! Part Two: The Meal

As mentioned in Part 1, Thanksgiving is the all-American holiday, the ultimate feast and family celebration. It might be one of the very few holidays when, no matter what the religion, race, provenience, ethnicity, or other social or cultural aspects, the families gather around the dinner table to consume a big bird, mashed potatoes and other goodies.

Give Thanks for Thanksgiving Day! Part One: A Brief History

Last week the entire America celebrated Thanksgiving Day. The all-American holiday, the ultimate feast and family celebration. It might be one of the very few holidays when, no matter what the religion, race, provenience, ethnicity, or other social or cultural aspects, the families gather around the dinner table to consume a big bird, mashed potatoes, pies and other wonderful goodies.
